Events to Give Back to Your Church’s Seniors

church seniors activities, charter bus rental Maine

Events to Give Back to Your Church’s Seniors

For the debt of gratefulness owed to senior adults, several churches reserved a day annually to honor and respect seniors. Some churches celebrate a special day, while other churches plan a Senior Adult Week. Senior Adult Day is a day to show appreciation to senior adults for their many supports, including:

For their happy smiles and positive attitudes
For their further support of the Lord’s work through His church
For being persistent to run the race and not to pass out as they serve
For their consistent and regular presence in the activities of churches
For their many years of teaching, serving on committees, and leadership in the life of the church
For their long times of service to the Lord through His church

Planning a Senior Adult Day is the responsibility of the senior adult council or committee, the senior adult coordinator, or the staff member assigned to senior adult ministry. If there is no senior adult council, committee, coordinator, or staff person, the church nominating committee should recommend a Senior Adult Day Planning Committee.

Guidelines for Arranging Senior Adult Day

Set the date. Determine the schedule and activities for the day. Appoint subcommittees or workgroups to take care of the following details:

1. Attendance. Keep it a high attendance event in the Senior Adult Sunday School by setting goals and acknowledging those reaching them.

2. Worship Service. Several churches invite a guest speaker for the morning service. Many senior adults would prefer to include their own pastor and motivate him to preach on the selected theme. Other service/recognitions are: special music, ushering, Scripture reading, and testimonies.

3. Choir. Have your senior adult choir perform the music for the worship service. Some senior adult choirs learn and present a musical for the evening worship service.

4. Ministry. Pick several ministry activities for the day.

5. Food. There are numerous chances for fellowship meals. Some churches have a lunch following the morning worship service. When a Sunday fellowship is not practical, try a Saturday night banquet or a Saturday afternoon outing. When the senior adults serve and entertain the church members is a good possibility, a Sunday night after-church fellowship.

6. Transportation. Some senior adults who cannot attend regularly or even frequently may be able to come for this special day with some help. Providing transportation can make the difference for them to enjoy the fellowship and encouragement of the day.

7. Publicity. The activities should be announced well ahead of the event through church newsletters, Sunday School, and senior adult publications.

Through these helpful tips we provided, you can ensure to organize a perfect plan for Senior Adult Day. Just make sure to follow everything especially in preparing for an effective transportation service such as charter bus rental Maine.

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