Everybody Loves BARBEQUE

everybody loves barbecue, Charter Bus New England

Everybody Loves BARBEQUE

When you think about the 4th of July, what comes to mind? Maybe your family’s holiday celebrations begin early, watching brightly-colored hot air balloons dot the deep blue sky. Many of us often have family over, fire up the grill, pull out ice cold beverages, open a bag of potato chips, melt butter on hot corn on the cob, and fill our bellies with some good grub.

Cuz let’s be honest … when it comes to cuisine that almost anyone likes, what doesn’t enter your mind if it isn’t barbecue? From pit barbecue to smokers, and charcoal grills to propane ranges, there’s just something about scrumptious meat. Today we are acquainted to barbecuing for family functions, resting for Sunday dinner, or merely for a fun night with friends.

Want various more random facts about BBQ?

Memphis in May and The American Royal are called some of the biggest barbecue championships in the world. They bring large crowds and offer some pretty substantial reward– cuz who can refuse meat that is cooked to perfection, and a variety of options from sweet, to spicy, to hot?

There’s no one way to barbecue. Depending upon which region of the United States you’re in, you’ll get a many different style and flavor. This isn’t a casual deal, either; people take it very genuinely and are fiercely devoted to the taste they associate with home.

Long before the huge gas ranges of today, the beginnings of BBQ were pretty humble. Back in the early 1950s, George Stephen began selling his bowl-shaped kettles, the iconic piece of equipment that says backyard barbecue like nothing else. Through the years, models were enhanced, and subsequently large gas grills were in the product lineup, too.

It’s hard to pinpoint how this custom of cooking first started, but it may have its origins in how the Spanish used to cook their meat on a frame built out of wood over a fire. Regardless of how it began, meat is cooked in all different ways today: direct heat, indirect heat, smoked, baked, roasted, or turned on a spit.

What’s the impact between grilling and barbecuing? The difference lies in temperature and the placement of the meat. For grilling, consider burgers over an open flame: the key element is high heat, with the meat being right in the path of the heat source. For barbecue, however, the chef employs low heat and the meat is cooked via an indirect heat source, and it usually takes hours.

A lot of us are used to just turning on the propane and firing up the grill, but for those who are diehard charcoal fans, it’s intriguing to know a little bit about how the briquettes are made. Ultimately, the wood mixture is combined with lime, coal, and cornstarch, and the mixture is then formed into the small briquette forms we’re all familiar with.

And, if you’re interested about when briquettes began being used, you can thank Henry Ford for that. They were the outcome of finding out something to do with leftover wood adhering to production on his infamous Model T cars.

Barbecue is just one sort of food that we love, but when it comes to yummy calories, it isn’t the only sort of food that gets our awareness. One of the cool aspects of the culinary tours with our charter bus New England we offer is the chance to be exposed to a variety of foods, taste samples, learn more about pairing new flavors together, and delight in the huge world of gastronomic pleasure. Whether you want to find out about the tricks of barbecuing, or learn new ways you can enjoy cheese, we’re sure that our tours will include something that piques your interest! Schedule a tour and call today!

These sources were used in the writing of this article:


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